A verseny kiértékelése lezárult .
Köszönjük a zsűri felelősségteljes munkáját .
Nagyon kíváncsi voltam más teljesen kívülálló véleményre .
Megkértem pár általatok is ismert ,nagyszerű embert , hogy tetszésüknek megfelelően állítsanak fel egy sorrendet és a nekik legjobban tetsző alkotásról alkossanak véleményt.
Mielőtt kihirdetjük a szavazásotok eredményét és egyben megtudjátok kit tartottatok a legjobbnak
érdemes elolvasni a külföldi szakemberek bírálatát .
A végeredmény azután vagy őket igazolja , vagy nem .
Vagy találkozott az ízlésetek , vagy nem .... .. 24 órán belül kiderül
I am happy to hear the contest has been a success! Some of the tanks are truly amazing and even some of the tanks with not so good choice of hardscape have really perfect plant growth.
I really like the Wabi kusa no. 113 and 205, but these will not be my winners.
My favorite tank is no. 131 "first iwagumi". The tank is beautifully scaped and perfectly uses the dimensions of the tank. It is simple but optically very efficient. I like both the choice of hardscape and the choice of plants. This is truly an artist at work! The picture is very good and has nice coloration. The plants are in really good condition, even though I would image the picture and plants would have been more perfect a few days later. Regarding fish I would only keep one type of fish in a tank like this, just to keep the simple and clean but beautiful look! So the tank even has more potential. All in all it is just a beautiful piece of work!
Kind regards,
Ralf Gerlach
Dear Gábor
Unfortunately only now I noticed your message to judge a single aquarium in 4 categories TAC2016 Aquascaping Contest. I'm glad for the invitation, but I think it's late for my evaluation and response of more than 100 works that received this contest, congratulations to all involved. But in my opinion the aquarium would choose first would be the number 109 - Vanaheim and secondly the number of aquarium 40 - Andlang.
Best Regards,
Fernando Francischelli
My choice :
1- ID 101. Before the man appeard on Earth
2- ID 109. Vanaheim
3- ID 116. Akvárium
4- ID 205. Asgard
My comment :
1.- ID.101: A very unique layout by stone and create a strong impression. The author has created a spectacular scape that rarely seen.
2.- ID 109 This was very good Iwagumi layout. The beautiful stones are skillfully combined to create very deep attraction. May wait a short time for plants to create the complete mature, then picture will looks better and more natural, the sand should also hold flat in foreground.
3- ID 116 :.Although the layout is using low tech but careful cared, clean. All aquatic plants in the tank has been harmoniously selected and arranged.
4. ID 205 : There may also be suggested that this is not Wabikusa but I firmly believe that this is a natural and beautiful design and many people will love it.
Ngo Truong Thinh
67. Az Aqvarium 700 l -if
This is the tank that impressed me. A great work in 700litri, a strong gust of nature, a green wall. Excellent choice and arrangement of aquatic plants. Layout now covered by vegetation in excellent health. I'd work with trimmings to obtain a larger depth perception.
Diego Marinelli
Wabi Kusa
Entry no. 113
This little piece of Art reminds me of a island ,a place of peacefullness where nature can retreat. Dense bush on the ground,towering stem plants that look like trees.
The set of plants chosen is just right to make it look right . Man made but natural and savage looks.
Entry 158
Deserted beach
Even if i think the layout is not perfect anyway i think that the design touches me most in this category. It looks simple,natural and this is how i like it. Judging in this case is very emotional and not racional. The title is well chosen and fits my imagination of how a deserted beach should look like.
Entry 170
Kangaroo creek
Very cool desing that allowes the layout to breath. I like the natural style because at more then 40 expedition to explore underwater life i have seen many underwater landscapes and this is close to what i have seen in Brasil or Florida.
Entry 198
On the way to heaven
To make a small tank look big it is not easy. This particular layout does that and also looks stylish. Maybe too stylish to look natural but what i like here is that i easyly can remember this layout and again like i mentioned before ..it leaves the design space to breath.
Chris Lukhaup